Kitchen Garden Workshop
Spend twelve weeks learning how to grow your own Kitchen Garden at home or at your restaurant.
future workshop dates tba
Example Class Schedule
Find out the tools + planning you need for a successful garden this season.
September 16th
Soil is the first building block in a successful harvest. Discover what’s going on below the surface.
September 23
What’s in a seed packet? Decode + discover the importance of starting with the right elements.
September 30th
Give your plants a boost by making sure they have the nutrients they need to thrive.
October 7
Your plants like some water better than others! Find out why mulch and water go hand in hand.
October 14th
Want to grow culinary mushrooms in your garden? There’s a symbiotic relationship between plants + fungi.
October 21
What makes a plant a “weed” and a bug a “pest”?
October 28
Get the most out of your harvest with good pruning practice. For vining varieties, build a trellis that will last the season!
November 4
A mid-season check in on how your garden is doing, and how to plan for the rest of the year. Bring allll your questions!
November 11th
What you need to know to take an active role in supporting your local food system. Become an advocate and see your community shift!
November 18th
Enjoy a meal from your garden with family and friends!
November 25th
Best harvest + storage practices will expand the life of your food. Follow along as Chef prepares what’s in season.
December 2nd
Permaculture (“permanent agriculture”) can teach us more than just how to grow food. Apply the principle to your garden, your family, your workplace, and your community.
December 9th